
Roam Your Roots

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Did your ancestor RENOUNCE their citizenship?

Hi Reader, Let's dive right in to the subscriber question of the week. This week, we're taking a look back on citizenship by descent. SUBSCRIBER QUESTION How do I know if my ancestor renounced their citizenship in another country? I assume this question comes on the heels of our conversation last week about Italian citizenship by descent. By the way, if for some reason you couldn't access the Italian citizenship flowchart, I've published it in a more accessible file type here: Italian...

Reader, The time has come. We are finally going to be diving into title transfer authorities and how understanding them can help you further your genealogy research. Seriously - these are a doozy and can lead you to some incredible discoveries. But first... 🇮🇹 I received a question about Italian citizenship by descent on Instagram this week, so I wanted to address it here. REMINDER: you can ask me questions anytime for consideration in future newsletters! SUBSCRIBER QUESTION How does one get...

Hi Reader, I've created a free guide outlining 14 genealogical records to consult when planning a family history trip. So far I've only been sharing it with my Instagram followers, but I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out! 🎉 I don’t know about you, but I love a good short, sweet, and to-the-point PDF without any extra fluff. If you can relate, then this resource is for you ⬇️ ➡️ Access the PDF starter guide here 🔗 I refer to this as a starter guide because it is just that: for beginners....

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know I just wrapped up my months' long series on Swedish genealogy. I love grouping my genealogy tutorials into regional focuses so I can guide you through multiple resources as you focus on a specific line of your ancestors. For the Swedish series, I largely focused on the Household Examination Records, or husförhörslängder, which really are just the best record set a genealogist could ever ask for. If you're ready to jumpstart your Swedish genealogy,...